
Passion Project

goal :

Creating a book to engage girls in aerospace engineering.

worked with :

Balmoral Hall School mentor, physics teacher

completed :


"By choosing to research careers of interest I was able to think about my path and how it could progress into one of these careers. I had learned about more variety in the space industry myself with my topic and by seeing what a day in the life of these careers would be, I was able to see my interests align with many of the careers, some of which I may choose to pursue in the future. Some of the other skills I learned throughout can be carried on in my future academics as well, but the fact that I was able to better understand what it truly means to be working as a part of a large space agency was the most rewarding."

Inspirit AI Summer Internship

goal :

working with students from around the world to develop and train artifical intelligence to recognize the country of origin of various Covid-19 strains.

worked with :

UPenn Mentors, UCLA Mentors, and students from across the world

completed :


Positive uses of AI can benefit the future, with special care to understand the effects of technology. Over the summer I had a chance to further my understanding of machine learning algorithms. Through Inspirit AI's online coding programs taught by Ivy League computer science scholars, I got a chance to interact with code in a way I've never done before. Through my project of understanding the origins of various SARS‑CoV‑2 strains, I went in-depth with creating and understanding the AI predictions of a logistic regression model, taking in real genome sequence data samples and asking for an output of a matching geographic region. Evaluating the accuracy of AI models, and comparing various streams of training such as linear/logistic regression, neural networks, and taking advantage of natural language processing abilities was another major learning experience. This allowed me to see how positive uses of AI can benefit the future, with special care to understand the effects of technology. The chance to deepen my understanding of Python, along with more AI-directed Numpy, Seaborn, Matplotlib, and Scikit-Learn resources also inspired me to look into computer visualization possibilities. Today I have continued my work on AI as a mentor for the Inspirit AI programs, reaching out through school-wide posts, and creating blog submissions in the area of AI are parts of my responsibilities, ones that have exposed many students to a new everdeveloping world of AI!

Ongoing public speaking opportunities

goal :

spreading important issues and solutions to be implemented in a successful persuasive speech at national and world level speaking competitions.

worked with :

Balmoral Hall school debate coach

completed :

in progress!

I hope this year turns into a year of progress and development in my speaking style. After winning first place in the category of interpretive reading at the International Independent Schools Public Speaking Competition this fall (23), I had a renewed confidence in my ability to emotionally portray important pieces of writing. I hope to get a positive response that sparks action through my speech in progress regarding "tofu dreg" construction projects in China and the nation's government's harm to civilians due to faulty infrastructure. This is all in an effort to think about the people past a government and give initiatives to the nation's government to help citizens live in a better world. As of early December, I've qualified to represent my school at the public speaking nationals held in Winnipeg, in February. I look forward to presenting a range of prepared and impromptu speaking styles, interpretive reading and debate are some topics I am particularly looking forward to. This adds up to my final chance to qualify for the World Individual Debate and Public Speaking Championships, later this year in Australia.

Inspirit AI Research

goal :

Create an engaging blog post on artificial intelligence and technology consequences.

worked with :


completed :


Inspirit AI School Ambassador

goal :

Moving Beyond in Encouraging Young Girls in STEM.

worked with :


completed :


Following my summer internship with Inspirit AI, I had a goal. Working along with my school officials, and those involved with Inspirit AI programming to get more girls involved in STEM. Finding a way to share my passion for problem solving, passion for learning computer science, and creating innovative solutions to problems all came from my work as an Inspirit AI ambassador. Earlier this year I continued my work with Inspirit AI, following my summer internship, as an ambassador. In my time as an ambassador, and now having completing the basic criteria, I went beyond in encouraging discussion with my school’s community and with my academic programming advisor, who now has worked to bring Inspirit AI’s mentors from American institutions to teach an in person summer program at my school. I look forwards for the future of Inspirit AI’s research, contributions, and openings for young people in computer science. I look forwards as well to contributing to the summer program, creating a welcoming and engaging experience, as a final chance to engage girls in science at my high school!