
Longterm planning and interests.

"Some of my most memorable moments were from giving back through volunteering and appreciating arts."

Throughout university, I hope to achieve more balance in my schedule. Some of my most memorable moments were from giving back through volunteering and appreciating arts. Both give great balance to my schedule and allow me to give back to my community. I hope to possibly get involved in class government and better spaces for students. Making a lasting impact in the world of medicine also piques my interest, specifically in diabetes management tools, creating usable devices that can ease the burden of patients is one of my long-term goals. Lastly, for my infrastructure interest, developing transportation systems that are both safe and efficient peak my interest. As of now I am all over each space of engineering, but will ultimately be satisfied in any area where I can build a long-lasting and impactful development.

University and career.

"I hope to continue my learning in some discipline of engineering, developing tools and tech to lead to a better world."

I have always been greatly interested in building, an obsession that started with Lego! Now, piecing together what I want to do or where I want to go is greatly shaped by my interest in building, creating and designing. I know I'll never want to be tied down to one area of creating which is why I want to dive into a vast area of engineering, one that allows me to apply my skills in developing infrastructure, medical tools, or other technology! I hope to continue my learning in some discipline of engineering, developing tools and tech to lead to a better world, and maybe one day get a chance to see my developments give back.

AI leadership.

"I hope to express my love for artificial intelligence and future technology through my school!"

Through my work with Inspirit AI programs, I've gotten a chance to receive guidance on productive teamwork and the development of projects supporting social good. Through their launch of Inspirit AI Ambassador Programs, I hope to get a chance to express my love for artificial intelligence and future technology through my school! Showing students a world of social good that can be supported on a base of technology. Take a look at my outreach, blog posts and school-wide interest building efforts toward AI education for girls in the project section!