
Volunteer Work & More.

"I solidified my want to do good through technology and its development."

Other formative experiences included some chances that shaped my future path. Exploring career and education opportunities through mentorship and interviewing engineers in different spaces allowed me to solidify my want to do good through technology and its development. I also got a chance to appreciate teamwork in workplaces and see the value of business management and its overlap with all engineering sectors. Recognizing that engineering unleashes a world of opportunities excited me, especially in noticing an ever-evolving career would never lead me to boredom! A chance to see the overlap in the medical space was what I experienced through my city's brain bee, a chance to learn about technologies interaction in AI screenings and notice the overlap in medicine and engineering, something I was amazed by after an interview with a biomedical engineer now pursuing work past Canadian borders. Finally, the year allowed me to give back through volunteering and tutoring efforts, everything schoolwide from contributing to judging to debate tournaments and tutoring younger students, along with some mentoring in robotics and debate once again. I plan to continue in all of these volunteering efforts and hope to continue giving back, especially in tutoring and mentoring.


Beyond School.

"My past years have each been shaped by extracurricular involvement."

My past years have each been shaped by extracurricular involvement in addition to coursework. From time learning with my school's robotics team and debate teams, I gained valuable skills in teamwork, communication and leadership. Leading project management and creating a final result that pushed the boundaries of our previous design is what I remember most from our 22/23 robotics season, and an ambitious and involved speech about ethical hackers pushed me out of my comfort zone in one international public speaking competition. Learning about balance and the value of art was something else I learned and look forward to continuing through my final high school year. Time spent practicing in different choral and jazz voice ensembles was a great team-building opportunity and a chance to release stress and create peaceful music.
