
Class Awards & More

"I managed to dive deep into many subjects, achieving great success in a variety of areas."

Highest Class Achievement in the following: English Language Arts (22) Sciences of Chemistry & Physics (22) French Language and Culture (22) Debate and Public Speaking (23) Social Studies (22) Competitor (and award winner) at international, national, and provincial level debate tournaments (2017-present), including notably; first place at International Independent Schools Speaking Competiton, in the category of interpretive reading (23). At InspiritAI advanced coding program, was awarded with most effective and interactive group presentation (23).

Further Scholarships & Awards

"I look forward to moving towards greater academic achievement, and approaching a balanced final year of studies."

Head of School Award and Scholarship in Academic Standing and Social Leadership (22). Head of School Award and Scholarship in Academic Standing and Social Leadership (23). Aikin's Award and Scholarship for Greatest High School Student Achievement in Sciences (22). Heads Honour Roll (2018 - present).